The much anticipated Season Opener took place at Speedway Emmen on Saturday 30th March. There was a sprinkling of fresh Mk2 Ford Granadas, whilst the rest of the material was mainly used cars from last season’s Blue Oyster Trophy. The main bulk of the field was made up of Volvo 2/7/9 series variants and the Ford Scorpio. Our report is based upon footage submitted to us.
Heat 1 commenced with a hassle free couple of laps as everyone got in their stride before 559 Kooiker spun and was met on the nose by 258 Braamskamo, who was blasted in turn by 209 Mijnheer. 68 Vince got caught up with 175 Timmerman, which allowed 808 Roessink to ruin 68 Vince with a big jacking. 213 Bram blasted the lame 893 Dolly. 194 Spie ran 286 Wagenaar and 808 Roessink into the wrecked 68 Vince. 175 jacked 194 the Spie, with the former getting caught by 214 Emmer. 461 Dunnink weighed in on 286 Wagenaar. 209 Stefan Mijnheer took the first win of the season.
Heat 2 saw action from the off as 573 el Pedro swiftly removed 48 The Showman. 301 Depulle was spun fencewards by 639 Bruggeman. The lame 06 Tipsie took a shot from 634 Simon. This left the former open to a large portion from 818 Dylan resulting in the race being declared. 635 Thymen Logtenberg was the winner this time around.
Heat 3 saw 50 Kuiper connect with a marker tyre early on courtesy of an attack from 91 Schiphorst. 15 Toussaint was spun fencewards by 420 Hoes. 2 Vos spun 91 Schiphorst. 49 Mulder gave a portion to the lame 2 vos allowing 15 Toussaint to weigh in on the latter. 250 Kisteman jacked 2 Vos and was then on the receiving end of a storming hit from 754 Poolman himself. 306 Joepper spun and copped a tbone from 961 Pepino. 91 Schiphorst saw himself sat prone on the exit of turn 4 allowing 754 Poolman to deliver a monster tbone absolutely decimating the former’s Volvo 240 Estate. 50 Kuiper went in on the nose of 91 Schiphorst which sparked a fire inside the latter’s 240 Estate bringing the red flags out. 60 Laurens Van Dijk was awarded with the win.
Heat 4 started fairly conservatively although 388 Logterman ended up fencing himself only to be collected in turn by 350 Jarno. 103 Jelte attacked 377 Veerman which sent 752 Klomp spinning. 601 Groothold was spun aside by 976 Kisteman. 211 Mister Nös set about 103 Jelte only to come under fire himself. 587 Hogeman looked to make an attack but run into 388 Logterman’s car instead. 595 Pit-Boy set about 976 Kisteman, who delivered a solid shot over the back wheels to 377 Veerman in turn. 901 Rik Kuiper raced to the win.
The first Consolation was next up. The action started with one of The Weak Shepherds spinning 350 Jarno who was then on the receiving end of a hit by 306 Joepper. 350 Jarno was then caught by the passing 489 Voske which left him open to a jacking from 214 Emmer. 31 Tiffy jacked 489 Voske leaving him open to a massive shot from 306 Joepper. The reds were brought out to recover 489 Voske from his wreck. The restart saw 527 Klomp set about 211 Mister Nös, spinning the latter. 666 Wellenberg weighed in on 211 Mister Nös leaving him open for a jacking from 637 Luuk. 306 Joepper weighed in on 697 Luuk. 214 Emmer attacked 306 Joepper. 301 Depulle followed in 260 Kappe. 201 Van Der Berg attacked 573 El Pedro allowing 527 Klomp to bury the former hard into the plating. 527 Klomp continued his momentum to run 214 Emmer through the side of 301 Depulle’s Mk2 Granada to conclude the action. 40 Gerard De Witte took the win in his Mk2 Granada and booked his space in the final.
The second consolation started fairly calmly once again until 2 Vos found himself on the receiving end of an attack from 338 Hekmen. 420 Hoes assaulted 338 Hekmen only to be ruined in turn by a stiff shot from 194 the Spie. 2 Vos backed across the track and took a shot from the duly obliging 288 Wagenaar. This allowed 601 Groothold to move in and put away 288 Wagenaar. 194 the Spie followed 103 Jelte into 288 Wagenaar. The reds came out for an unknown reason. 194 the Spie put the bumper in on 976 Kisteman who collected 288 Wagenaar’s abandoned car upon the restart. 520 Venema assaulted 976 Kisteman. 601 Groothold followed in 194 the Spie as 721 Sam Borré took the win.
The Final saw 101 Pink Inc the first to show, rattling 706 Seinen around the metal plating. 101 Pink Inc then picked 706 Seinen up once again and thundered him in. 721 Borré attacked 65 Bokxem only to come under fire from 595 Pit-Boy. 60 Laurens Van Dijk proved his dominance around the track with another win ahead of Consi 2 winner 721 Borré and 480 Van Der Kolk.
The first Alcomers event was up next. 325 Burema caught 102 Bouke in the drivers door as the latter awkwardly backed across the track. 102 Bouke was duly blasted by 451 Smooke. 209 Mijnheer blasted 451 Smooke and spun him aside only to have the same treatment dished out by 634 Simon. 893 Dolly was crawling against the armco and set himself up nicely for 520 Mulder to deliver a hard jacking. 178 Ruud Van Kuijk took the victory this time out.
The second Alcomers saw a dramatic start with 214 Emmer pushing 101 Pink Inc, they in turn sent 48 the Showman in to an almighty barrel roll bringing an early stoppage. The restart saw 24 Devastator set about 308 Woertink. 194 the Spie homed in for a monster shot on 24 Devastator. 527 Klomp buried 828 Hekman into the side of 194 the Spie sending the latter in to a roll himself bringing another race pause. The second restart saw ? latch onto the back of 214 Emmer who picked up 296 Stoffel – 296 Stoffel went into 721 Borré’s abandoned Volvo whilst 214 Emmer took a wild ride around the plating. 101 Pink Inc jacked the lame 527 Klomp. A jacking train formed started off by 296 Stoffel going into the pile of dead cars. 260 Kappe jacked 296 Stoffel. Most of the remaining field piled in including 827 Hansma, 903 Van Gurp and 101 Pink Inc. 101 Klaas Troost was deemed the winner among all the chaos in his Rolls Royce.
The final Alcomers saw 15 Toussaint put away 350 Jarno early. This allowed 305 Knoeff to steam in with a roof bending hit to 350 Jarno. 901 Kuiper jacked 305 Knoeff as 818 Dylan attacked 49 Mulder – 205 Boldewijn piled in for good measures. A few laps passed before 40 Staphorst and 755 Poolman tangled under the starter’s rostrum. 754 Poolman assaulted 40 Staphorst whilst 901 Kuiper weighed in on 755 Poolman. The Boogiemen went on a mission as 15 Toussaint ruined 901 Kuiper and a second later 818 Dylan absolutely decimated 810 Kogelman. 818 Dylan continued his rampage by following 49 Mulder into 305 Knoeff and 350 Jarno’s wrecks, producing some even more impressive wrecks. 881 Kevin Mulder took the final race win of the afternoon.
The DD concluded the day’s action. 827 Hansma rattled 101 Pink Inc around the plating at high speeds to start off the action. 15 Toussaint tboned 48 the Showman allowing Johnny to latch onto the former and follow him in square. 301 Depulle gave 754 Poolman a head on down the back straight. Someone had a major coming together with a tractor tyre at the end of the back straight as another jacking train triggered. 721 Borré assaulted 301 Depulle. 827 Hansma ran a member of Gas Hoaln into the ever growing pile up leaving himself wide open to a big air time jacking from 752 Klomp. 44 Jalink ran 527 Klomp into the pile up. 595 Pit-Boy jacked 44 Jalink. 601 Groothold weighed in on 595 Pit-Boy to conclude the action and cap off a brilliant season opener.