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Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoUnlimited National Bangers WQR – 15/08/2018 – Yarmouth
Wednesday 15th August saw a rare double header of bangers at Yarmouth as the Unlimited Bangers attended for a World Qualifying...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoUnlimited Veteran Bangers Ronnie Emmerson Memorial – 12/08/2018 – Yarmouth
A slightly disappointing 13 cars attended the Ronnie Emmerson Memorial which doubled up as the East Anglian Veterans event which was...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoRoy Rawlins Testimonial Weekend – 09-10/06/2018 – Arena Essex
Just under 40 cars turned up to the Arena Essex raceway for day one of the Roy Rawlins Testimonial, celebrating Roy’s...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoBack to Basics – 08/08/2018 – Yarmouth
Wednesday 8th August saw another session for the Back To Basics at Yarmouth Stadium, and was the turn of the Mascot...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoBack to Basics – 01/08/2018 – Yarmouth
Heat 1 commenced with 20 cars. 140 Rainer put away 6 Ling. 800 Neary and 571 Offord tangled down the home...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoKingy Memorial Weekend Pre 90 Bangers – 15/07/2018 – Mildenhall
Day 2 of the Kingy Memorial weekend at Mildenhall saw just shy of 130 Pre 90 Bangers gather in the glorious...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoKingy Memorial Weekend Pre 70 Bangers – 14/07/2018 – Mildenhall
The whole Banger community was sent into shock waves when, in August 2017 – it was sadly announced that 206 Dave...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoBack to Basics 100 Car Challenge – 07/07/2018 – Ipswich – Spedeweekend 2018
For the 2018 running of Ipswich Spedeweekend, the format for the Bangers saw the debut of Back to Basics. After their...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoWar of the Worlds Unlimited Team Bangers – 30/06/2018 – King’s Lynn
60 cars gathered at the Adrian Flux Arena on a sunny evening for the Unlimited War of the World Teams which...
Meeting Reports
/ 7 years agoNational Pre 85 Bangers Team Reunion – 17/06/2018 – Skegness
75 Unlimited Bangers travelled to the Fun Coast for the much anticipated Pre 85 Skegness Team Reunion on Sunday 17th June....